
We are fortunate to have two amazing aftercare assistants that join us in the afternoons to provide a safe and happy environment for the children, thus this is not an extension of school.

12h30 – 13h00:  Attendance register, toilet routine, lunch and free play for the Grade R, Yellow and Green Group children (lunch provided by the parents and placed in the St. Lizzies cooler bag). The Green (for the children who need or want to rest) and Red Group children have a rest in the Red Group classroom, which is airconditioned. Each child must please provide a clean blanket to sleep on.

13h00 – 14h00:  Free play in the garden for the Grade R, Yellow and Green Group children and lunch for the Green (those who rested) and Red Groups (lunch provided by the parents and placed in the St. Lizzies cooler bag). Children participating in an extra-mural activity will also eat lunch during this time, this will be on completion of the activity.

14h00 – 15h00:  The children will have a quiet playtime and are involved with tasks and activities set out on the verandah and fringe areas, such as puzzles, educational games, drawing, theme related art, building and construction sets, drawing, block building, playdough, chalkboards, water play etc. These activities are changed daily. On Fridays the children will watch a kids-friendly/educational movie or they can choose to draw or build a puzzle.

15h00 – 16h30: Toilet routine, afternoon snack, free play with activities and a story.

16h30 – 17h00: Tidy up and quiet indoor time (indoor time is weather and seasonal dependent, if the weather is still warm and sunny, then outdoor play is encouraged. Aftercare closes promptly at 17h00.