From our Parents
St. Lizzies is an exceptional school with the most amazing staff – the classes are small and the children learn through fun play based age appropriate activities. There is a magical family feel the minute you walk through the doors! This school will always hold a very special place in my heart and my family’s hearts!
The most amazing little school! My son has grown in leaps and bounds since starting. Beautiful classrooms, playground and utilities, not forgetting the kind and loving teachers
My best memories of St. Lizzies are…. Meeting some of my lifelong friends. The teachers really helped me feel more confident of myself at such an early stage. Why did you choose St. Lizzies for your child………… Excellent teachers and we have really seen our daughter grow into a more confident child. She really looks forward to each day at school.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Xavier, aged 4
I made a Rugby ball, and we learned about sport and we learned about tennis
Eva 2
Xavier, aged 6
I love this school called St. Lizzies Pre-Primary School. It’s the best school that you can ever hope for cos the teachers and the principal are so nice they are always loving and caring and they always….. be so nice to us. They help us when we are hurt, and they always give us hugs in the mornings when we come to school
Lexi, aged 4
I learn new songs and my teachers sings Baby Shark
Zenande, aged 6
I love this school so much, the feelings that I have I love more than anything
Cateleya, aged 6
It is a nice school; we get to do something fun each day and then we get to go to aftercare which is fun as well. When you are struggling, the teachers will always come and help you and they always teach you how to learn new things every day. There are four groups of children with different ages, but we all play together.
Eva, aged 5
I like the dolly corner and I can always ask my teacher what we are doing next. I learn how to draw a cat and a dog and a butterfly, I love the art table.
Xion, aged 4
I learn about foot painting; we pretend to be a mom and dad and I can do the splits
Blake, aged 6
I love this school cos I always come to school and see my best friend and I always play with him, and I love him
Zayda, aged 5
St. Lizzies is a place where you can learn and play
Madison, aged 6
It is very fun to play and build at school. I love the magnetics blocks; I build and create with my friends. The teachers put out such great activities for kids. Mrs Mac is my teacher, but the other teachers help us with the activities that are out.