Blake, aged 6

I love this school cos I always come to school and see my best friend and I always play with him, and I love him

Xion, aged 4

I learn about foot painting; we pretend to be a mom and dad and I can do the splits

Xavier, aged 6

I love this school called St. Lizzies Pre-Primary School. It’s the best school that you can ever hope for cos the teachers and the principal are so nice they are always loving and caring and they always….. be so nice …

Cateleya, aged 6

It is a nice school; we get to do something fun each day and then we get to go to aftercare which is fun as well. When you are struggling, the teachers will always come and help you and they …

Eva, aged 5

I like the dolly corner and I can always ask my teacher what we are doing next. I learn how to draw a cat and a dog and a butterfly, I love the art table.